Connecting people with Congenital Melanocytic Naevi worldwide
Naevus Global is an international team of deputies from national patient advocacy groups and individual patient advocates dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) and possibly neurocutaneous melanocytosis (NCM) through the promotion of both biomedical research and improved access to information.
Naevus Global meeting 2025
Our themes
CMN (Congenital Melanocytic Nevus) can turn your life upside down. The diagnosis and treatment of giant birthmarks require physical, emotional, and mental endurance. As part of Naevus Global, we understand this better than anyone else.
Naevus Global strives for a better quality of life and improved quality of care for individuals dealing with giant birthmarks. Connecting to other people will help you find the best care. We try to connect you with support groups as close to you as possible.
Naevus Global connects to international organizations. Representing Congenital Melanocytic Naevi at international conferences will raise awareness and stimulate healthcare providers, researchers, and policymakers to improve healthcare.
Personal stories
Living with
It was not my choice or desire to be born with CMN. But I have a choice of how to react to it and how to live my life
Julianna Yussef
“I had 12 surgeries, we don’t know how many I’m going to have. We think I might have six more.”
Chloe, treatment with tissue expanders.
“He does not stop sharing his smiles and positivity with the world.”
Erez has neurological complications.
Your support is powerful
To optimize medical care and avoid stigmatization for individuals with CMN and their environment.

Register your CMN patient organization and learn about international activities. Or become a patient advocate for your country when there is no CMN organization.

Do you want to make a concrete contribution to improving the quality of life for people with Congenital Melanocytic Naevus? Making a donation to our organization increases the (global) visibility.

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Register for our newsletter and learn about the latest news and activities of Naevus Global. It can inspire you to become involved as a patient advocate or representative.