Conflict of interests
We pay special attention to this subject

Our organization strives to avoid conflicts of interest. One of our core values is integrity. In addition, we find role-conscious acting very important.
Conflict of interests
Conflict of interest is a situation where a director has multiple interests or functions that involve each other. Conflict of interest may be useful and even necessary for our organisation, for example in the context of fundraising by directors or the network function of board members.
Unwanted conflict of interest
Certain forms of conflict of interest are undesirable. For example, if the interests have such an impact on each other that the independence of a director is in dispute. As a result, the organization can be damaged and lose trust and/or legitimacy.
Conflicting interest
A conflicting interest is an interest of the organisation which is also in the interest of the director, and therefore the director is no longer able to represent the interests of the organisation in an honest, objective and unbiased manner.
Our Directors are independent and act with integrity. They are alert to conflict of interest, avoid undesirable conflicts of interest and deal with conflicting interests in a transparent and careful manner.
- Directors provide a culture of openness and accountability within the organisation.
- The Board is satisfied with the independence of its members. Directors do not have any business or other interests or relationships with the organization other than as a director.
- Directors let the interest of the Organization prevail over their own interests and refrain from personal preferences for themselves or their friends or family.
- The organisation uses rules to identify conflicts of interest as early as possible in order to avoid undesirable conflicts of interest and to ensure that directors interact in a transparent and careful manner. Directors are independent and act with integrity. They are alert to conflict of interest, avoid undesirable conflicts of interest and deal with conflicting interests in a transparent and careful manner.
- Directors report any (potential) conflict of interest and (potentially) conflicting interest to the president and provide him/her with all relevant information. The Board then decides whether there is any undesirable conflict of interest or conflicting interest and takes appropriate measures. The board informs those within the organisation and external stakeholders. If, on the basis of a report, it is found that there is an undesirable conflict of interest, the director concerned shall ensure that such conflict of interest does influence decisions, or is otherwise avoided as quickly as possible. The Board shall ensure and take measures when the director concerned is negligent.
In the case of conflicting interests, the director concerned does not take part in the preparation, deliberation, decision-making and implementation of these matters. - Decisions to enter into transactions or relationships in which conflicting interests of directors (can) be involved, need to be approved beforehand by the board. The board shall make those decisions in writing and with a justification in the board meeting minutes.
Directors are aware of their own role and the delegation of tasks, responsibilities and authorities and act accordingly.
- The organisational and financial structure are clear and allow for an unambiguous allocation of administrative tasks, responsibilities and authority.
- The Board shall be accountable to the members and provide them with all information necessary. The Board does this when requested, unsolicited and timely. Written guidelines have been made on the provision of information.
- Members may request information from the board, other officers of the organisation and the External Auditor.
- The Board reports to members about contacts with the external stakeholders. This is about the nature, content and results of these contacts.
- The Board ensures that, considering the interest of the organisation, they actively manage conflicts within the administration, between the board and the members, and resolve them as soon as possible.
- The Board promotes the involvement of everyone in the policy of the Organization.
On an annual basis, the conflict of interest per board member is evaluated by the entire board and each board member certifies in an e-mail that this person is adhering to the rules.