Who we are


The board

The board of Nevus Netwerk Nederland is responsible for policy and operational activities such as membership, donors, and financial administration. Our board members are all volunteers who carry out association activities alongside their professional and/or personal commitments. Marjolein van Kessel is responsible for international activities.


Naevus Global is organized by volunteers from national CMN organizations. President is Marjolein van Kessel, board of Nevus Netwerk Nederland.

She is the mother of three children, with the middle one having passed away due to neurological complications of CMN when he was 13 years old (2012). The other two children are now adults. When a child is born with CMN, it affects not only the individual but also their siblings, parents, family, and friends. CMN is rare, and the complications are even rarer. This complexity can make (medical) care quite challenging. Marjolein is dedicated to advocating for improved care and support for both individuals and their families. She connects organizations and individuals for support and to provide information.

In addition to this volunteer work, she is an elementary school teacher.


Online meetings

About 5 times per year members meet online. Actively involved organizations from Naevus Global are Belgium, France, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa, South America, Switzerland, USA.


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