Luis Mojica-Rodriguez
Video: model, actor, Puerto Rico

‘My mission is to show the world we are human and beautiful. I want my story of overcoming adversity and pushing back during the darkest of times to help others know there worth even if others say otherwise. This is just the being, I’m also qualified for an acting convention world wide where 100000 auditioned and only 1000 gets selected, I’m going to compete for actor of the year and model of the year just because they said me and my birthmark had no business in the industry. I committed to my people!! Maybe pave the way for the next generation!
Big shoutout to Luis Mojica-Rodriguez for shining in Times Square, New York!
‘My Billboard in Times Square. This is Truly a Dream Come True!!’
I meant it when I said: ‘I’m going to showcase to the World that Birthmarks Are Beautiful!! Now I’m on a Billboard in Times Square New York!!! This one is for US!!! Follow your dreams and Never give up!!!
This is just the Beginning!!!’
Luis Mojica-Rodriguez is in Naevus Global’s video gallery. Read more…